In August 2019, BitBucket – a popular cloud source code hosting and project management service run by Atlassian – announced that it was dropping support for Mercurial repositories. Mercurial is a distributed source control management tool similar to, but less popular than Git.
This move isn’t surprising. Mercurial has lost the popularity war with Git and BitBucket claims that less than 1% of new repositories on their service use Mercurial. The surprising thing is that BitBucket announced that they are deleting Mercurial repositories from their service as of June 2020. Leaving developers and companies who use Mercurial with less than one year to migrate.
This move by BitBucket seems inevitable, but the timeline and hard-deletion that BitBucket is giving their loyal customers seems harsh. For me, I have around 25 projects that need to be migrated.
Here’s how to do so, in a few easy steps!
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